
I was keen to do some form of CRUD site as part of my project as I do this in my day job but not using JavaScript. The template of this project came from a ‘bootstrap’ challenge I had done earlier in the year. The items I intend to include for this PurpleBeard Midcourse project are:

  • A Project Workings page.
    • o Linking to my design brief.
    • Include links I have used as reference.
  • A video to the jumbotron part of the homepage.
  • A picture in the ‘about section’.
  • Social media links to the footer.
  • Create a ‘contact page’.
    • Contact details.
    • Email event.
    • Map to the event.
    • Use Javascript to email the form to me.
  • Finally, Create the CRUD part:
    • This will use JavaScript to add the information entered to local storage.
    • Enable guests to register there details i.e. name, email etc..
    • Upload a profile picture.
    • Select their languages from icons (checkbox).
    • Update their details.
    • Delete their details.

Design Brief Documents

Link to Reference Material